Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nahum: "Pass or Fail"

Ump and I discussed last night how we had both heard similar sermons the past weekend involving the theme of "pass or fail". Here's the notes from the sermon given by Pastor Ronn Johnson of CREF.

The minor prophets present an interesting theme which is consistent with the rest of Scripture: unlike most classes we can take in school, God's test for the human race comes with only two possible final grades- pass or fail. Consequently, we need to realize that:

1. Passing and failing students are now sharing the same classroom and only the teacher knows how people are doing.
Joel 2:30-32
Ezekiel 36:24
John 10:26-27

2. Students are responsible to know what the teacher requires.
Zephaniah 1:12
Jermiah 5:12-13
2 Timothy 4:3

3. No one will end the course with an average grade.
Nahum 1:2,7
Isaiah 66:22-24
Matthew 7:13-14

4. During the course the Teacher cares how each student does.
Zechariah 7:9-10
Psalm 34:13-14
Titus 3:8

5. Everyone will end the course either totally happy or totally sad.
Nahum 1:14; 2:2
Daniel 12:2
Romans 2:7-10

1 comment:

Ump said...

I'm starting to remember the "Grading" series a little better that pastor was doing in the month of May/June. I don't think this was ever his title of the sermon, maybe it was, but it was a cool saying either way. Pastor challenged us with the concept of, "Does God grade on a curve?" While most of our school teachers did, God doesn't.