Saturday, May 12, 2007

Post #1

So, last week I was taking a seminar offered by BSF, which I got involved in back in September. The seminar was covering various resources and strategies for personal bible study. One thing that was mentioned was that it was a good idea to keep notes in a journal to record what you're learning. That's great, but my experience is that it takes too long, so I either don't write anything or write such that I can't read it later. I can type much faster, so jotting down some notes and then typing them would probably be quicker and more useful to me. But having a big Word file with everything lumped together would make it impossible to use. What I really thought I needed would be to have all the notes typed in an orderly way and be able to search by keywords and topics: exactly the kind of functionality the blog format offers.

So, after running the idea by Andy, this blog was started. I'm planning on using it to record facts, knowledge, insights, etc. from my personal bible study or whatever other useful thing I come across at church, online, or other bible studies. If you want to contribute, that's wonderful. I'll try to develop a list of resources so it will be useful even if you're not interested in posting. This will be a fairly serious endeavour, so joke labels and posts should stay at the CCM blog. I believe I'll need to invite everyone again to join this blog, so send me an email or comment if you're interested.

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